Ms. Gulfishan Mobin
Ms. Gulfishan Mobin
Designation:Assistant Professor,Department of Computer Science and Engineering School of Engineering & Technology,Adamas University
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PhD (Pursuing) in CSE from Adamas University
M.Tech. in Computer Technology, Jadavpur University
B.Tech. in CSE, under West Bengal University of Technology (presently known as MAKAUT)
Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering, Adamas University, India, May 2016 to present
Technical Assistant in Computer Science and Engineering, Adamas University, India, November 2013 to April 2016
Research Publication (s)
Number of research papers published in International peer-reviewed Scopus Proceedings: 03
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Selected Publication (s):
Mobin, Gulfishan, and Abhishek Roy. "A literature review on cloud based smart transport system." 2021 5th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI). IEEE, 2021.
Mobin, Gulfishan, and Abhishek Roy. "Smart card based Integrated Cloud Transportation System." 2022 International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS). IEEE, 2022.
Mobin, Gulfishan. Robust Symmetric Cryptography using Plain-Text Variant Session Key. Diss. 2014.