Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Lab
Artificial intelligence is a technology that enables a machine to simulate human behavior. Machine learning is a subset of AI which allows a machine to automatically learn from past data without programming explicitly. The goal of AI is to make a smart computer system like humans to solve complex
Subject :- Data Structures Lab
List of Programs
Write C programs for implementing the following searching techniques.
a. Linear search
b. Binary search
c. Fibonacci search
Write C programs for implementing the following sorting techniques to arrange a list of integers in ascending order.
a. Bubble sort
b. Insertion sort
c. Selection sort
Write C programs for implementing the following sorting techniques to arrange a list of integers in ascending order.
a. Quick sort
b. Merge sort
Write C programs to
a. Design and implement Stack and its operations using List.
b. Design and implement Queue and its operations using List.
Write C programs for the following:
a. Uses Stack operations to convert infix expression into postfix expression.
b. Uses Stack operations for evaluating the postfix expression.
Write C programs for the following operations on Single Linked List.
(i) Creation (ii) insertion (iii) deletion (iv) traversal
To store a polynomial expression in memory using single linked list.
Write C programs for the following operations on Circular Linked List.
(i) Creation (ii) Insertion (iii) Deletion (iv) Traversal
Write C programs for the following:
Uses functions to perform the following operations on Double Linked List.
(i) Creation (ii) insertion (iii) deletion (iv) traversal in both ways.
Write a C program to implement Stack using linked list.
Write a C program to implement Linear Queue using linked list.
Write C programs to implement the following graph traversal algorithms:
a. Depth first search.
b. Breadth first search.
Write a C program to perform the following:
a. Create a binary search tree.
b. Traverse the above binary search tree recursively in pre-order, post-order and in-order.
c. Count the number of nodes in the binary search tree.
Subject :- Object Oriented Programming with Java Lab (CSE12114)
List of Programs
Write a program in Java to demonstrate Boolean value.
Print a string 10 times using a for loop.
Write a program in Java to evaluate a+b*c%d.
Write a program in Java to find biggest element among three numbers using if else.
Write a program in Java to find biggest element among three numbers using ternary operator.
Write a program in Java to check grade of marks using switch case.
Write a program in Java to demonstrate dynamic initialization.
Write a program in Java to create a class and to access all data members and methods using object and compute area and perimeter of a circle.
Write a program in Java to access member variable using constructor.
Write a program in Java to multiply two matrices.
Write a program in Java to calculate area of rectangle using single inheritance.
Write a program in Java to demonstrate multilevel inheritance.
Write a program in Java to demonstrate hierarchical inheritance.
Write a program in Java to find area and perimeter of a circle using abstract class.
Write a program in Java to show that private member of a class cannot be inherited.
Write a program in Java to find volume of a box using this keyword.
Write a program in Java to find average of three numbers using method overloading
Write a program in Java to find average of three numbers using method overriding.
Create a class figure. Create two subclasses rectangle and triangle. Find area of rectangle and half area of rectangle using reference of figure.
Create an interface area. Find area of a circle.
Write a program in Java to find sum and average of three numbers using super keyword.
Write a program in Java to find volume of a box using constructor overloading.
Write a program in Java to demonstrate exception handling in case of variable/constant divided by zero.
Write a program in Java to implement multiple inheritance using interface.
Write a program in Java to check if a given string is palindrome or not.
Write a program in Java for sorting given list of strings in ascending order.
Write a program in Java to find factorial of a number using package.
Write a program in Java to import package.
Write a program in Java to implement thread.
Write a Java program that creates 3 threads.
Write an Applet program in Java to print a string.
Subject :- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lab (CSE12030)
List of Programs
Write a python program to create and import different datasets and display it.
Write a python program to compute mean, median, mode, standard deviation, variance.
Write a python program to reshaping the data, filtering the data merging the data and handling the missing values in datasets.
Write a python program to find correlation coefficient.
Write a python program to split Training and Testing dataset using pandas.
Write a python program to implement simple linear regression and plot the graph.
Write a python program to implement logistic regression for iris dataset using sklearn.
Write a python program to implement K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) algorithm.
Write a python program to implement K-Means clustering algorithm.
Write a python program to implement Decision Tree algorithm.
Write a python program to implement naïve-bayes classifier algorithm.
Write a python program to implement Support Vector Machine (SVM).
Write a python program to implement the various weight update methods of Artificial Neural Network using CIFAR10/MNIST Dataset.
Subject :- Programming & Data Structure Lab (CSE11404)
List of Programs
Part 1
Write a C program to perform all mathematical operations on two integer numbers
Write a program to calculate the area of a triangle using Heron’s Formula
a)Write a program to print ASCII value of a character
b)Write a program to read a character in upper case and then print it in lower case
Write a program to enter any character. If the entered character is in lower case then convert it into upper case and vice versa.
Write a program to find whether a given year is a leap year or not.
Write a program to calculate the roots of a quadratic equation.
Write a program to determine whether an entered character is a vowel or not.
Write a program to display the largest of five numbers using ternary operator.
Write a program to find whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not.
Write a program to find whether the given number is Palindrome or not.
Write a program to print the following pattern:-
a) 1 b) 1
12 22
123 333
1234 4444
Write a program to calculate area of a circle using function.
Write a program to swap the values of two variables using call by value and call by reference
Write a program to find factorial of a number using recursion.
Write a program to find Fibonacci series using recursion.
Write A C- Program To Determine If The Given String Is A Palindrome Or Not
Write a c- program that uses functions to perform addition and multiplication on two matrices.
Write a program to read and display information of a student using structure.
Write a C program which copies one file to another.
Part 2
Write a C program to Implement the following searching method. i) linear search ii) Binary search
Write C programs that implement the following sorting methods to sort a given list of integers in ascending order by using Bubble sort.
To implement stack using array.
To implement queue using Array
To C program to create a linked list and display the elements in the list
C Program to Implement Binary Tree using Linked List
DFS Implementation by C
C Program to find a minimum spanning tree using Prim’s algorithm
C Program to find a minimum spanning tree using Kruskal’s algorithm