Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Lab

Artificial intelligence is a technology that enables a machine to simulate human behavior. Machine learning is a subset of AI which allows a machine to automatically learn from past data without programming explicitly. The goal of AI is to make a smart computer system like humans to solve complex

Subject :- Data Structures Lab 

  List of Programs

a. Linear search

b. Binary search

c. Fibonacci search

        a. Bubble sort

        b. Insertion sort

        c. Selection sort

a. Quick sort

b. Merge sort

a. Design and implement Stack and its operations using List.

b. Design and implement Queue and its operations using List.

a. Uses Stack operations to convert infix expression into postfix expression.

b. Uses Stack operations for evaluating the postfix expression.

         (i) Creation (ii) insertion (iii) deletion (iv) traversal

(i) Creation (ii) Insertion (iii) Deletion (iv) Traversal

Uses functions to perform the following operations on Double Linked List.

(i) Creation (ii) insertion (iii) deletion (iv) traversal in both ways.

a. Depth first search.

b. Breadth first search.

a. Create a binary search tree.

b. Traverse the above binary search tree recursively in pre-order, post-order and in-order.

c. Count the number of nodes in the binary search tree.

Subject :- Object Oriented Programming with Java Lab (CSE12114)

              List of Programs


Subject :- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lab (CSE12030)

              List of Programs

Subject :- Programming & Data Structure Lab (CSE11404)

              List of Programs

Part 1 

b)Write a program to read a character in upper case and then print it in lower case

a)      1 b)     1

12         22

123         333

1234                 4444

Part 2