Computer Architecture Lab

Computer architecture is the organisation of the components which make up a computer system and the meaning of the operations which guide its function. It defines what is seen on the machine interface, which is targeted by programming languages and their compilers.

Subject: Database Management System Lab

List of Programs


Table Creation & Data Insertion

Table Creation, Constraint Add & Data Insertion, Update.

Table Creation, Constraint Add & Data Insertion, Alter.

Simple Query Retrieval using DML.

Use of Aggregate Function

Join & Sub Query

Sub Query, Join & View

1. To find the largest element from three numbers.

2. To find the factorial value of any number.

3. To print the Fibonacci Series of n numbers.

4. To compute the area of the circle with radius 2,4,6………40. And store the data into a table ‘circle’ containing attributes ‘radius’ and ‘area’.

5. To accept the marks for three subjects from a student, calculate its average. If average <50 then print FAIL, average is between 50 to 60 then Second Division, average is between 60 to 75 then First Division, average is in between 75 and above then print Distinction.

1. To display all Clerks from emp table using CURSOR.

2. To insert the records of all managers from emp table to newemp and also display on the screen using CURSOR.

3. Create a table dupemp with the records those are inserted, updated or deleted from emp table using TRIGGE

File Link :- Data Base Management Systems Lab

Subject: Computer Application in Pharmacy Lab (PHM41210)

           List of Program