Computer Graphics & Multimedia Lab

Computer graphics are pictures and films created using computers. Multimedia is content that uses a combination of different content forms such as text, audio, images, animations, video and interactive content.

Subject: Computer Graphics Lab

             List of Programs

1) Digital Differential Analyzer Algorithm

2) Bresenham’s Line Drawing Algorithm

3) Midpoint Circle Generation Algorithm

4) Draw a smiling face using graphics

5) Draw a house using graphics

6) Two Dimensional Transformations: Translation and Rotation

7) Two Dimensional Transformations: Scaling and Reflection

8) Implementation of Point Clipping

9) Implementation of Line Clipping

10) Coloring the Pictures

11) Three Dimensional Transformations

12) Curve Generation

File Link :- Computer Graphics Lab

   Subject:  Programming Lab (CSE11001)

           List of Programs






















            a) 12 + 32 + 52 + 72 + …… + n2

            b) 1 – x +x2/2! – x3/3! +…

File Link :- Programming Lab 


Subject:  Computer Application Lab (ECS81101)

           List of Programs

Basic documents: Document structure, Starting TeXworks.

Format menu: Line Numbers, Syntax Coloring, Typeset, pdfLaTeX.

Troubleshooting: Console output, Abort typesetting.

Creating in LaTex: Title, sections, report and book classes, labels, table of contents.

Typesetting Text: Font Effects, Colored Text, Font Sizes, Lists, Comments & Spacing, Special Characters.

Tables: left-aligned, right-aligned, centre-aligned, tabular.

Figures: Includegraphics, centering, caption, label, Graphics and plotting.

Equations: Inserting Equations, begin{equation}, end{equation}, {eqnarray}, {equation*}, {eqnarray*}.

Mathematical Symbols: Powers & Indices, Fractions, Roots, Sums & Integrals, Greek letters.

Styles: Plain, Abbrv, Unsrt, Alpha.

Bibliographic records and citation processing: Inserting references, BibTeX file.

Author-date citations: natbib [plainnat, abbrvnat and unsrtnat], citep{...}.

     Editors: Vi Editor

     GNU/LINUX OS: Installation.

     Software Installation in Linux: RPM, make.

Subject:  Application of Machine Learning in Industries and Anomaly Detection Lab (CSE12057)

           List of Programs