Data Structure Lab
Data Structures laboratory is spatial and well equipped with the latest IBM systems. It provides a wide approach in C programming and enables to apply knowledge in Artificial Intelligence. Guidance's are provided to the students by a team of faculty experts and lab programmer.
Subject: Applied Computing Lab (CSE22857)
List Of Programs
a) Write a Program to Shuffle Deck of Cards,
b) Write a Program to Display Calendar,
c) Write a Program to find Factorial of Number Using Recursion
Python program to build birthday dictionaries
Python program to develop Tic Tac Toe game
Python program to build Rock Paper Scissors game.
Write a program to perform binary search.
Write a program to implement Hangman Game
Write a program to implement BSF
Write a program to implement Water Jug Problem
Write a program to implement Linear regression.
Write a program to implement K-means clustering
To create an array of 30 structure variables and read all the members of each variable.
Write a program to check weather a regular expression is present in the string or not.
Write a Program to Add Two Matrices, Transpose a Matrix, Multiply Two Matrices.
Write a Python program to generate the QR code
Write a Greedy algorithm for a knapsack problem with the example of Robbery
Write a program for biased coin flipping simulation
Develop Algorithm based on Deep Learning
Develop Algorithm based on Classification
File Link :- Applied Computing Lab
Subject: Computer Application in Pharmacy Lab (PHM41210)
List of Programs
Design a questionnaire using a word processing package to gather information about a particular database.
Create an HTML web page to show Personal Information.
Retrieve the information about a drug and its adverse effects using online tools.
Creating mailing labels using Label Wizard, generating Labels in MS WORD, and generating Labels in MS WORD.
Create a database in MS Access to store the patient information with the required fields using Access.
Design a form in MS Access to view, add, delete, and modify the patient record in the database.
Generating reports and printing the reports from patient database
Creating invoice table using MS Access
Drug information Storage and Retrieval using MS Access
Creating and working with queries in MS Access. Construction of query can be accomplished by using either query wizard or query design view.
Exporting Tables, Queries, Forms, and Reports to web page.
Exporting Tables, Queries, Forms, and Reports to XML pages